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Writer's pictureMike Wade

Stacking ICX Switches

Stacking an ICX switch should be as easy as connecting SFP+ stacking cables to the appropriate port and running > stack enable. But when it isn't that easy, here are some steps needed to make the magic happen.

Ruckus / Commscope ICX Stacking Ports

This example uses six 10G SFP+ cables to stack three ICX ICX7150-24P-4X10GR switches. There are many stacking options with the ICX switches, in this example we will be trunking two ports together for a combined 20G uplink, then connecting the three switches in a ring topology.

Config Stack:

if you get an error when running

> stack enable


Stack port e 1/3/1 has config: "speed-duplex 1000-full"

Error! stack enable fails. You must resolve the above complaint.

This may happen with all four module 3 ports on each switch until each port is fixed below.

The following is the procedure for a single switch, these commands will need to be performed on all three switches prior to connecting uplink cables.

> en

> interface ethernet 1/3/1

> disable

> speed-duplex 10g-full

> enable

> exit

> en

> interface ethernet 1/3/2

> disable

> speed-duplex 10g-full

> enable

> exit

> en

> interface ethernet 1/3/3

> disable

> speed-duplex 10g-full

> enable

> exit

> en

> interface ethernet 1/3/4

> disable

> speed-duplex 10g-full

> enable

> exit

Trunk Ports:

This will need to be run on each of the three switches as well.

> stack unit 1

> stack-port 1/3/1

> no stack-port 1/3/2

> stack-port 1/3/3

> no stack-port 1/3/4

> exit

> stack-trunk 1/3/1 1/3/2

> stack-trunk 1/3/3 1/3/4

> wr m

> exit

> stack enable

> wr m

Connect Switches:

Power down all three switches - connect uplink cables

Current config bonds module 3 ports north-south IE 1/3/1 to 1/3/2 and 1/3/3 to 1/3/4

Connect in this order:

1/3/1 to 2/3/1

1/3/2 to 2/3/2

2/3/3 to 3/3/3

2/3/4 to 3/3/4

3/3/1 to 1/3/3

3/3/2 to 1/3/4

Power up switches - stacking will build automatically


> ICX7150-48P-Switch>show stack

T=1h39m33.1: alone: standalone, D: dynamic cfg, S: static

ID Type Role Mac Address Pri State Comment

1 S ICX7150-48P active c0xx.20xx.c3xx 0 local Ready

2 D ICX7150-48P standby c0xx.20xx.e8xx 0 remote Ready

3 D ICX7150-48P member c0xx.20xx.e3xx 0 remote Ready

active standby

+---+ +---+ +---+

=3/1| 1 |3/3==3/3| 2 |3/1==3/3| 3 |3/3==3/1|

| +---+ +---+ +---+ |

| |


Standby u2 - protocols ready, can failover or manually switch over

Current stack management MAC is c0xx.20xx.c3xx

This is what show run will look like when stacking is complete

> ICX7150-48P-Switch>show run

Current configuration:


ver 08.0.92dT211


stack unit 1

module 1 icx7150-48p-poe-port-management-module

module 2 icx7150-2-copper-port-2g-module

module 3 icx7150-4-sfp-plus-port-40g-module

stack-trunk 1/3/1 to 1/3/2

stack-trunk 1/3/3 to 1/3/4

stack unit 2

module 1 icx7150-48p-poe-port-management-module

module 2 icx7150-2-copper-port-2g-module

module 3 icx7150-4-sfp-plus-port-40g-module

stack-trunk 2/3/1 to 2/3/2

stack-trunk 2/3/3 to 2/3/4

stack unit 3

module 1 icx7150-48p-poe-port-management-module

module 2 icx7150-2-copper-port-2g-module

module 3 icx7150-4-sfp-plus-port-40g-module

stack-trunk 3/3/1 to 3/3/2

stack-trunk 3/3/3 to 3/3/4

stack enable

stack mac c0xx.20xx.c3xx

Even when locked in, the uplink cables are sensitive to jostling, ensure all link lights are up after manipulating cables any amount. Uplink cables can be connected/disconnected hot, links will rebuild automatically.




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